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A new url; Demented Pixels

December 27, 2010


For those who follow or link to my blog, I’ve finally moved Heals and Dots to its new home. You can find me at I’ve always been fascinated by characters that were slightly unhinged, so hence me choosing the above name. Regarding video games, the first demented character I was introduced too was Alice.

This game was created by American McGhee.  It was an amazing game, and the gamer gradually got sucked into Alice’s crazy world. Although I beat the game, I played it a lot. This photo was sent to me by a friend who knows that I love American’s work. I wish I knew where they found it so I could give the artist the proper credit.

Although I’m not sure how often I’ll be posting I know I’ll be writing about more games than World of Warcraft. Hope to see you at the new home. There’s still a lot to be done there, such as finding the appropriate theme, but I figured I might as well make the move now. All my old posts have been moved to the new site, so I’ll be wiping out the posts here, with the exception of this post.

I hope to see you at Demented Pixels.